MiscForm #Miscellaneous ButtonTool Properties Form1* Picture1 Picture2 Picture3 Picture2 Picture2 Picture3 Picture2 Label1 7ButtonTool provides many properties which are available Label1 =to the programmer. Following is a list of properties that are Label1 7provided in addition to those provided by Visual Basic. Picture3 Picture2 Picture3 Picture2 MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton 3DLightColor MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton 3DShadeColor MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton 3DThickness MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton Autosize MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton BorderColor MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton ButtonDown MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton CaptionJustify MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton FontColor MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton ShadowBackColor MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton ShadowForeColor MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton ShadowThickness MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton ShowFocus MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton Sym3D MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton SymBackColor MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton SymForeColor MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton SymHeight MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton SymPicUp MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton SymPicDown MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton SymType MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton SymWidth MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton Toggled MiscButton1 BTDEMOButton ToggleMode Picture3 U PropLabel Picture3 OKButton BTDEMOButton B$Gwx ""Dww ""$Gwx """Dww """$Gwx """"Dww """"$Gwx ""Dww "$Gwx ""Dwx ""Gwx "$Gwx "$Gwx contain required bit& Dwwww B$Gwwwx ""Dwwww ""$Gwwwx """Dwwww """$Gwwwx """"Dwwww """"$Gwwwx ""Dwwww "$Gwww ""Dwwwx "$Gwww ""Hwwwx "$Hwwwx "$Hwwx "$Hwx Picture1_Click OKButton_Click MiscForm Label1_Click index MiscButton1_Click PropLabel Caption Untoggle OKButton_Click MiscButton1_Click Set the 3D color for the left and top" Set the 3D color for the bottom and right" Sets the thickness of the 3D effect" Button automatically resizes graphic Sets the color of the border Set special effect for button when down" Left, center and right justification Sets the font color for the caption" Sets the color of the shadow background" Sets the color of the shadow foreground" Sets the thickness of the shadow effect" Specifies whether the focus is shown Turns the 3D effect ON or OFF" Sets the color for the symbol background Sets the color for the symbol foreground Sets the height of the symbol" Sets the picture used by symbol when up (icon,bitmap,metafile) Sets the picture used by symbol when pressed (icon,bitmap,metafile)" Specifies the symbol type (none,predefined,graphic)" Sets the width of the symbol Sets the toggle effecto to ON or OFF Allows manual setting of toggle (UP or DOWN)